
 On Sundays, I try not to do any homework, lesson planning, or studying. That means that my Fridays and Saturday are boring and busy as I try to get as much work done as I can. But it is worth it because then on the last day of the weekend, I can focus on Jesus and the peace He brings.

 I really never know what my Sundays will be filled with. In the past 7-ish months, my boyfriend, Josiah, and I have been taking ballroom dance lessons every Sunday, which is always interesting. Some weeks, I am back at home for church at Double Oak and a family lunch to eat some good food and fun times. When I'm not at home, I'm headed to Grace Church with Josiah for Sunday School and the morning service. 

 It is always so refreshing to praise the Lord alongside other my brothers and sisters in Christ. It is there where I find rest. When I breathe in God's love. And I breathe out all of my doubts. I breathe in the Lord's faithfulness to me. I breathe out my worries. I sing His name in a beautiful melody, remembering the times when He has proved he is faithful. Remember. The thing that I truly do not do enough during the week. 

 Lately, my Sundays can be so crazy. They used to be relaxed, and honestly, boring. I would go to church, and then spend the rest of the day by myself at home. These days, I almost want the lonely Sundays back... but when I realize that I truly am refreshed and rested in the sweet reminders of God's grace and mercy, I am so thankful for the way my Sunday is. In the end, I am so thankful that I can rest in God's promises. I am amazed that I am forgiven forever, by the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who loves me and cares for me as I am. 

 Now that I feel refreshed and rested in Jesus, I can begin a new week with confidence and joy. 

 I want to post something here every Sunday. I'm sorry that has not happened lately... I hope to be better at this in the future. 

 What is your favorite part of Sundays? Let me know in the comment section! : )



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