Treasuring God's Abounding Love

 "Sometimes I'm fragile, sometimes I go to extremes. Sometimes I can't get past my insecurities. Even on my best day, I'd say I'm still incomplete. Thank God I got just what I need: the Savior saving me.

~"Saving Me" by Riley Clemmons

 Whoa. This line from Riley Clemmons' song is stuck with me today. Lately, I've been stuck on these "sometimes" things. But, I have found that it takes me a while to get to the "Thank God" part. I have been dwelling on my changing emotions and insecurities, reminding me of how I'm broken, but today I am rejoicing that the Lord delights in me despite my brokenness. He fulfilled what I need and is glad to call me His. 

 This past Friday, I had the opportunity to see TobyMac and other worship artists in concert. During the intermission part, there was a message about why we should "treasure people above stuff". I was intrigued in the beginning of the talk, because I've struggled with how much stuff I have versus how much of the stuff I actually value and use. But, I was stopped in my tracks when the speaker encouraged the listeners to value people most of all. One thing is that people can fail us. Another is that when people are taken away from us, what do we turn to then? Towards the end of the message, I saw what was happening. Treasuring people was the theme because they were trying to move people to sponsor children around the world with an organization. So, okay, fine, I see the point. But as a message to hold on to and take away from the night? No, thank you. 

 This morning, I cried during the sermon at Grace church because I have missed the point. I have focused so much on my broken and messed up self, but I have not turned to the one who delights in me. We began looking at Ephesians last week. Today, we were in Ephesians 1:3-6. Yep, only three verses. We looked at how it points to God fulfilling our need for a father. The last point was that God adopts us. I know this. I've been taught this. I was not by surprised by this. But one word in this verse doesn't make sense to me. Pleasure. I wrote down in my journal, "he takes pleasure in calling us his children" How? How is it that he delights in us when he knows us fully. Our flaws, mistakes, and desires and all. Yet, he runs toward us when we come back to him. This is a love that doesn't make sense. But it is happening even when our backs our turned toward God, refusing to accept his love. 

 So, thinking of my stress of studying, the concert I went to, and this morning's sermon, I am coming to the conclusion that I would rather treasure in God's abounding love rather than people. I will rejoice in the truth that my loving Father delights in me. I choose to get up off the floor because my Father chooses me. 

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us to be with him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love, he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will- to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves." Ephesians 1:3-6



  1. As we learn to treasure God, we begin to see the world the way He sees it. And because of his vast love for people, we begin to treasure other people subordinately (secondarily) to how we treasure God.


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