Like a Lemonade Stand

     As a child, I've always loved the idea of having a lemonade stand... or a yard sale... something like that. Something that involves being outside in front of my house, interacting with my neighbors, and having something for them to enjoy. We've had a couple of yard sales growing up, but we've never done a lemonade stand. But yesterday, as I set up the outdoor table, brought out the donation box and granola bar samples, I felt a little bit as if I was setting up a lemonade stand. 

    I am selling granola bars to people in the area to raise money for the YWAM internship in Spain. So, I decided to sit outside to tell people about what I am doing and how to order granola bars to purchase. I also had some little squares of the granola bars for people to try. 

    One of my favorite things about this hour was simply talking with my neighbors. Some people who I had never met before came by and were interested in my story. It is neat to me how this idea turned into an opportunity to meet new people. 

    I also left this little event amazed at the generosity and support of my neighbors. Someone I met tried a sample of the granola bar, and then wanted to pay at least something for it. I told him that he is welcome to give donations for the internship. He put in a 20 dollar bill into my donation box and wished me well for my trip. While I know it isn't much compared to my goal, I am still thankful for the little ways in which people are supporting me. 

    I find verse 19 in Isaish 43 exciting. It says, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Just that very beginning declaration that the Lord is doing a new thing excites me. He is always working. And for our good! And I have noticed that the more I know him, the more I can see him working in the little things. I saw his goodness in the joy and fun I found in talking with my neighbors. In the many email addresses written down for more information about what I am doing. In the smiles on new and familiar faces. And in the sunshine and cool breeze of the morning.

    Oh, and another cool thing is that I've met Charlie and Cotton! They are the first two dogs I get to take care of this summer, and they have been sweet and fun to take care of. I'm glad that I got to meet their owners too! 

