Making the most of the opportunity

    During my week at Student Life Camp, I asked God, "What is it that you want me to do right here and now?" I wanted to focus on this when I was unsure what to do with the free space and time that I had. I wanted to make the most of the opportunity I had been given. This reminds me a lot of what I've been very mindful of lately, thanks to a book I just finished reading: living as sent people to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who do not yet know him. 

    Through books, conversations, and sermons, I have been amazed and thankful for the way that God brings us into the way he works in the lives of people. He could bring people to salvation on his own, but instead, he chooses to use us. He invites us into the joy of sharing the good news of salvation with the lost. Despite how broken and unskilled we are, he calls us to share our story with those around us with our imperfections and the little skills that we do have. He equips us with his Spirit, as I wrote about in my last post, and he comes through with his power in the end. 

    I've also realized that this can be an overwhelming task. When we see that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, as he says in John 14:6, this only way to salvation can either push us to step up to share the hope of Jesus, or it can terrify us into shying away from this. But I've been reminded of a powerful truth to combat the anxiety... "You are not responsible for the fruit, you are responsible for the faithfulness," as Pastor Ted Traylor said this morning at Olive Baptist Church. God is the omnipotent, omniscient Master who will "work all things together for good to those who love him"(Romans 8:28). The end is up to him. He will use his servants for his glory. His servants are only called to serve faithfully. 

    Looking at the present moment helps me to serve faithfully. Thanking God for the small victories reminds me that God is always working. He is working in ways that we can't understand. Ways that are good. I am trusting in that. And so I will serve him faithfully. 

