
 The past couple of weeks have been hard. But they have also been so good because of that. The ways in which they have been difficult have pointed me back to what keeps me anchored. The hope that I hold on to. The steady hope that we have in Jesus Christ when we believe in him as our Lord and Savior and choose to follow him. 

    "Sound of Freedom" (a movie out in theaters now that you should definitely go see that sheds light on the truth of human trafficking), The death of a friend and "Hearts on Fire" (stories of suffering from women who follow Jesus). What do these have in common? Well, they are all things that had me feeling down and just... sad for a while. I felt sad for a good bit, but it was always the perfect timing when I was reminded that "the worst thing is never the last thing," as Wade Langer says. 

    Jesus Christ suffered a brutal death on the cross, though he was innocent. Though many had thought his death would be the end, he had told people that he would be resurrected three days later. I recently read a book called "Amon's Adventure", that follows a boy who lived in Jerusalem towards the end of Jesus' ministry. One of my favorite characters in the story lived with the belief that what Jesus claimed was true, despite all those who spoke against him. Her name is Tamar, and in the end, she was delighted to see Jesus come into her friend's home to greet her along with the disciples. John wrote, "On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, 'Peace be with you!' After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord." (John 20:19-20) Jesus came to them with hope in the midst of their fear. 

    If we could trust in Jesus like Tamar, and just wait during the mourning in anticipation of what is to come, we would be overjoyed by the good news that Jesus always gets the victory that we too can live in. At just the right timing, when we think all hope is lost, Jesus comes to save, reminding us of his faithfulness and his power. As I have mourned the passing of my friend, I have come to rejoice, knowing that she is home with her Heavenly Father and Creator. As I'm reading the real and raw stories of persecution that these women have gone through, I can see not only their great faith, but God's faithfulness to provide for them and rescue them. As I labor on and go throughout my days, I can hold on to this great hope that is my firm foundation for my circumstances.

    The events and my thoughts of the past couple of weeks compel me to say to the Lord, "thank you, Lord, for the 'hope we profess, for [you] who promised [are] faithful' (Hebrews 10:23)" Put your hope in the Lord, for he never fails!


Oh, and I am going to the NF Hope tour this week! And so, the theme continues!

