Heyy brother!!

 I'm thankful for my family. As wild as our times together can be, I'm still reminded of the blessing my family is to me.

 I've already begun a new semester, but when I think about my break, I think about my family. It really was such a sweet time to spend together. 

A bit blurry... but that shot of Auggie's tongue?? Impressive!

 One thing that was so special to me was spending time with my brother, Luke. You might know that he just had a birthday, so you may think this is turning into a birthday post, but that is not true. I would write about how amazing he is on any day. Even though he talks way too much about how he is taller than me and claims that he is a better driver than me, I love being his sister. I love being his sister because I get to be a witness to all the things he learns and the ways he grows. I get to hear his awesome narrations of whatever Brandon Sanderson book he is currently reading. He listens to me as I complain about school and all the reading I have to do this semester. We've both agreed that it is his job to make me laugh, which he excels at. It is my job to get songs stuck in his head since I am always singing. He just gets annoyed when he finds himself humming some random Colony House or Jervis Campbell song. But it's great. It makes me weirdly proud that I got one of my favorite songs on repeat stuck in his head. 

 My parents and I used to talk with Luke about how he would have his own restaurant one day because he loves to cook and try restaurants. It's still true that he loves food in the same way, but a new passion has seemingly grown from a small seed that must've been planted years ago. I'll take a little credit for his new excitement for reading because I started to read when I was in high school, telling Luke about the latest story I had engaged myself in. These days, you'll find the opposite happening. Instead, he tells me about the last fascinating scene in the book he can't put down. Even though I don't completely understand the scene because I haven't read it, I love listening to his thoughts and predictions. 

 Luke has learned and developed through his writing class, reading, watching Youtube videos on book reviews, watching movies, and movie analyses. It gets me thinking that whatever it is he ends up doing with this passion for stories, whether it is writing or teaching, or something else, I'm glad that I will be able to look back and remember these sweet times of spending time together, when he was only in the beginning of the development of where he will be. 

 There is just something so sweet and special about the relationship between a brother and sister. At least this one, for sure. 


By the way, sorry if the quality of this post isn't as good as the others. Luke is usually my editor and I'm not with him this time. ( :
