Una Nueva Aventura en España

    I'd consider this a special post with a special announcement:

    I am excited to announce that I plan to go to Spain this fall to teach English and Spanish classes for a YWAM team reaching out to North African immigrants! Here is some information that you may be interested in knowing. ...FAQ style. : )

Why do I feel called to go?

When I graduated with my major in Spanish and my minor in linguistics and psychology, I desired to travel to Spain to teach English. When I got back from studying abroad in Spain, I heard about a scholarship I could apply to teach overseas. However, I did not feel equipped to do so, motivating me to get my certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). After two years in graduate school for my Masters in Applied Linguistics/ TESOL, I now feel equipped and knowledgeable to teach confidently and efficiently. I have found a passion in teaching those who have a hunger to learn to use the target language to communicate with the community around them. I desire to teach in a way that reflects Christ’s great love so that the learners can come to know who the Lord is. It seems to me that this opportunity and the specific context is perfect for my skill set, which I’ve gained in the past two years of my studies. Ever since I heard about this opportunity through two new friends, I have felt a push in many ways to apply and pursue this internship. 

"And Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.'" Matthew 28:19-21

What is YWAM? 

Youth With a Mission (YWAM) is an organization that presents itself as a “global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world.” Their purpose is to know God and make him known. You can find more about YWAM by clicking on this link: Who We Are - Youth With A Mission — Youth With A Mission (ywam.org)

YWAM can look different depending on where it is in the world because of how decentralized it is. The vision of the YWAM North Africa Center is “to see the kingdom of God thriving in North Africa and among North Africans.”

What is the need in Southern Spain? 

There is a team in Southern Spain that reaches out to North African Immigrants, sharing the gospel with them by fostering community, teaching language classes, and having day camps for children. The team is currently searching for a teacher to lead the English and Spanish classes.

What is this internship? 

This internship is an opportunity to teach both English and Spanish to North African immigrants in Southern Spain for three months starting in September. It also includes being involved in team meetings at the YWAM North Africa Center and helping with some projects there. I would also have a mentor to meet with and talk about goals and reflections on my teaching times.

How can you support? 

There are two ways you can support me in this journey. Firstly, you can pray with me. Please pray that I would have safe travels, and that I would confidently teach and proclaim Christ’s love in Spain. Also, be praying that more people would come to know Jesus through what the team is doing. 

Secondly, you can donate. Because this opportunity is mission-based, and the language classes are free for the learners to attend, this internship is not paid. My budget is $5,300 for the trimester of 90 days. This includes flights, rent, other transportation, food expenses, insurance, and an international phone plan. 

  • If you would like to donate electronically/ online, I would like for you to know that all the money would get to me (no third-party fees), so Venmo is the best option. 

  • I can also accept checks, if that is what you’d prefer. Please make it payable to Sydney Del Rosario with “YWAM Internship” on the memo line. 

  • Lastly, I can accept cash. 

*Please contact me for my Venmo account name and home address*

Thank you for your time and support! I am excited to see what great things God has in store for me and the people I interact with in Spain. 

If you have any further questions, you can send me an email at sydreesedel@gmail.com.



  1. Yay! I'm so excited for you. I love this group and the work done there.


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