A Community through the Navigators

I got to spend a few days in the Tuscaloosa/ Northport area last week. There were many sweet things about my time there, but it is evident that the highlight was my time with the Navigators International Ministry. We had our first dinner of the semester, and a welcome party a couple days later. It was so good to have conversations with old and new friends. Throughout the past few years, I have had the opportunity to serve international students alongside an awesome team, which I will miss so much over the next few months while I am in Spain. The students and team at the welcome party One of my favorite things about my time with the Navigators has been the students. It has been such a blessing to meet international students from countries all over the world. I get to learn about their culture and learn about the exciting ins and outs of what they come to the university to study. These students are so smart, and even more passionate about their res...